Raising the Bar for QuadTone RIP Profiles (again)
May 29, 2021
There is a new native macOS version for QuadToneProfiler-K3 with even more powerful QTR curve blending features!
Introducing QuadToneProfiler-K3 for easy QuadToneRIP calibration and toner curves
I just released a new QuadToneRIP profiling and linearization system for Epson printers using the standard Epson K3 inks. This new system is compatible with both the older Stylus Pro printers with 8 or 10 inks, as well as the new Sure Color printers.
The new system is the counterpart to the QuicKCurve system for digital negatives. The new tools expand on the idea of a flexible set of customized starter ink curves and an integrated linearization system to incorporate the seven common toning styles to change the print hue, with options to customize the toner curve percentages for different paper bases.